Your basic conditional statement is one of those if/then statements you probably had to suffer through in 9th grade algebra class, only this time we're not doing math. Consider the following:
if A then B
Written shorthand, we can say
A --> B
There are many types of phrases this could symbolize. All A's are B's. When someone has A he must also have B. No A is not a B (ooh, double negative). When you are A you become B. What exactly are A and B? Who knows? Here's a real-world example.
All states are in the northern hemisphere.
S --> NH
With common sense, we can derrive all kinds of information from this. For instance, we could figure out what is disqualified from being a state
If a place is NOT in the northern hemisphere, it is NOT a state.
~NH --> ~S
This is called the contrapositive. Flip and negate. The contrapositive, for purposes of the LSAT, means the exact same thing as the original statement. Knowing either S --> NH or ~NH --> ~S allows is to conclude the other. Or original statement, if A then B, tells us both:
A --> B
~B --> ~A
Notice I did not conclude ~A --> ~B. We know that B is a necessary result of A, but we don't know whether it could exist without A. Perhaps a C would also give us B, and A can take the day off.
An illustration I like to use is a memory of being 4 years old. My mother would say something like:
If you want to go outside, you have to eat your peas.
O --> P
So I'd get all excited, grab my fork, and shovel down my entire pile of peas, imagining all the wonderful things I was going to do once I got outside. Of course, no sooner had the last pea left my fork into my mouth, my mother would exclaim, "OK, time for a bath!"
A BATH?!?!?! But I ate my peas! I'm supposed to be going outside swinging or throwing mud or something!
My mother was a better logician than I was. Her statement said if I wanted to go outside, I had to eat my peas. The contrapositive (the only other thing we know must have been true) was if I DIDN'T eat my peas I COULDN'T go outside.
O --> P
~P --> ~O
Nobody said anything about eating my peas giving my a license to go outside, only that going out side would be denied in the event I failed to eat my peas. My 4-year-old pea-brain assumed that since O --> P then P --> O. This is flawed logic both at my kitchen table and on the LSAT.
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